If you want to learn more about joining Lift Schools, drop us a note to arrange an informal chat. This will be conducted in complete confidentiality. After an initial conversation, we’ll work with you to see if your school or trust would fit well in Lift Schools. We will support you throughout the process, helping you to make an informed and confident decision. Contact Elroy Aidouni-Cahill, our head of portfolio and partnerships, to find out more, or express interest in joining our trust.
Express your interestComprehensive professional development
Maximise potential and achieve excellence through professional-development schemes and instructional coaching for all staff.
Opportunities to develop new leaders
Nurture – and, importantly, retain – talented teachers with our sector-leading Lift Leadership initiative.
Expert curriculum support
Our subject teams are national experts in curriculum development and assessment.
Extensive SEND support
Our special schools and specialist SEND staff ensure that every school in our trust offers the best possible education and support for pupils with SEND.
Outstanding teacher training
Our schools all have access to our comprehensive ITT programme.
Operational support
Focus on teaching and learning, safe in the knowledge that operational tasks are being handled by our efficient central team.
Regional collaboration
Learn from local schools – and share your own expertise – with our mentoring and capacity-building networks.
As a Lift school, you will have access to sector-leading support in the following areas: